About this site

📄 Share and Collaborate Effortlessly with .mdShare

  Tired of struggling to share and collaborate on Markdown files? Look no further! Introducing .mdShare, the ultimate self-hosted solution for hassle-free Markdown file sharing.

💡 The Challenge: Sharing Markdown Files Made Difficult

  Many of us work with Markdown files daily, be it for writing documentation, technical notes, or simply sharing formatted text. However, traditional file-sharing methods often fall short when it comes to Markdown. Converting Markdown files to other formats like PDF or Word can lead to formatting issues.

🌟 The .mdShare Solution: Simplify Markdown File Sharing

  Effortless Sharing: Upload your Markdown files with a few clicks, preserving all the formatting, making it convenient for you.

  Don’t let the complexities of sharing on Markdown files hold you back. Embrace .mdShare, your all-in-one solution for easy, and efficient Markdown file management. Experience the joy of seamless collaboration today! 🎉 💻


  1. Go to Homepage
  2. Upload your note.md
  3. Share a link to the generated page